Beans are just the beginning…

With each purchase of our signature coffee, crafted in partnership with Café Santa Rosa located in Peoria Heights, you're treating yourself to a luxurious coffee experience and becoming a champion for vital causes.

Proceeds from every bag support the health and well-being of women coffee harvesters on Café Santa Rosa’s farm, Finca Santa Rosa, in Cauca, Colombia by:

  • Funding free preventative health care clinics

  • Facilitating childcare initiatives

  • Creating sustainable income opportunities year-round

In addition, ten dollars from each bag will be donated to restore the historic 1893 Peoria Women’s Club kitchen and pantry into a vibrant hub for women entrepreneurs in our community.


Join us in empowering women entrepreneurs, expanding healthcare access, and championing sustainable practices – one sip at a time.


Become a Sponsor

We aim to achieve remarkable philanthropic goals by selling 5,000 bags of our signature Cosecheras coffee. This initiative contributes $50,000 towards the project and opens doors for an additional $50,000 in matching grants.

Below is a downloadable sponsorship form detailing how your business or someone you know can support our cause by helping us with our 2024 coffee sales events. By supporting these events, you're not just endorsing a luxurious coffee experience but actively contributing to a cause that impacts women here and abroad.